Monday, March 13, 2006

Guild Wars Down!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!!?!!??!??!?

So I'm in Texas on vaction and I get back from grocery shopping for Mom. I try to get on Guild Wars to play and it doesn't come work? Ok, I figure there is something wrong with it will get fixed and be up later. After all it tells me there is soething wrong and to try again in a few mintues.

I call E to see what he is doing it's 3pm and he should be up by now. E's not up soI try back a 4:30pm and he is finally up. We hang out, go to Mi Hacenda Mexican restraunt (something they dont have in Cali, good Tex-Mex), then go see Brad's (my brother) new house and visit our friend Chris.

By this time it's 9pm and Guild Wars is still not up? What's up? Chris, E and I can't play our favorite game. I mean how are we supposed to interact with each other if we can't get on Team Speak and play games together. It must be a sign of the end of the world!

So I would like to take this time to tell everybody how much I love you all and I don't know what I would have done with out ya'll in my life. See you when and where I see you.


Blogger TreyJ said...

They don't have ANY tex-mex in Italy, either, so I feel for you. Amazingly, the Mexican food in Chicago is good, if you get the right place.

Sorry the computer isn't being nice to you. Hope it got worked out. I'm assuming it did, otherwise you'd probably still be blogging about how much you hate the guild wars server.

1:35 AM  
Blogger ArmandII said...

Hahaha, scooter, I'm glad it was down. It made you actually practice real human interaction while you were in Texas. J/K! You're lucky though to get to see everyone. Did you go out to Twin Arrows? Was Justin rocking as scoutmaaster or what? I hope you had a great trip, wish I could have been around. I am currently trying to figure out how to get us ALL together again and when, but personally I am thinking Nebraska in my new house would be pretty centralized...

Kilroy was here!

1:28 PM  
Blogger "E" said...

It is sad that when our computer game was down we actually had to think of something to do, and he was right i didnt wake up until 4:00pm, but in my defense I didnt go to berd until 8:00a, i know that is not good either. Good News the game came back up and we are interacting again. If anyone is interested in playing Guild Wars it is a fun game, just ask Scooter, i drag him in.

11:56 PM  
Blogger TreyJ said...

When I get to Chicago and have high-speed internet (and a closer time zone to everyone) I wanna learn guild wars!

Oh yeah - Scott - get off the game and post again!

6:11 AM  
Blogger Tom said...

Now we know whats really important?! oldgoat37

10:26 PM  

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