My Memorial Weekend
Well, in Retail you always work most Holidays. So this is my Memorial Weekend. No I don’t get three days off, but I haven't had two in a row in a while and I'm working overnight Monday, so it kind of is. But I plan to be a bum, lie around and do very little. Laura works today, so I'll watch TV, play video games, or go to the movies today. Tomorrow I'll sleep in, and then we'll go to church, and then who knows.
So in other news we go a kitten from a friend of ours. Great right, not so much. Our cat is very territorial. She doesn't even like other people coming to the house. Of course this will be a problem when we decide to have kids, still a few years off, but let’s tackle the problem now. Hence, friend has kittens, let’s start there. Well like you'd imagine the cat didn’t and doesn’t like the kitten. It’s been a week and we've tried the short busts approach. I little here, a little there. At this moment the kitten is hiding in the bathroom and the cat is lying in the living room. Now remember small apartment, but not bad distance. Well see how they continue to react, but if the cat can’t get along with the kitten it doesn’t look good long term for her staying with us.
So in other news we go a kitten from a friend of ours. Great right, not so much. Our cat is very territorial. She doesn't even like other people coming to the house. Of course this will be a problem when we decide to have kids, still a few years off, but let’s tackle the problem now. Hence, friend has kittens, let’s start there. Well like you'd imagine the cat didn’t and doesn’t like the kitten. It’s been a week and we've tried the short busts approach. I little here, a little there. At this moment the kitten is hiding in the bathroom and the cat is lying in the living room. Now remember small apartment, but not bad distance. Well see how they continue to react, but if the cat can’t get along with the kitten it doesn’t look good long term for her staying with us.
The best thing to do is keep the kitten and the cat in different rooms. Let your cat have run of the house except for the room where the kitten is staying. They will sniff each other out through the door, and every once in a while you can open it up a little and let them check each other out. Soon you can have supervised visits, and then you'll eventually be able to leave them in the place together alone. It worked for us!
Cool, that what were doing now, hope it works.
Is the kitten a boy? If so, that could be another problem, and it will get a lot better really fast as soon as the kitten is fixed.
Another good trick, though we've never had to resort to this, is to get some kind of small towel to keep with the kitten so the kitten's scent gets on the towel. Put the towel underneath the cat's food bowls while s/he is eating - that way you're beginning to associate something pleasurable with the kitten.
Good luck!
hmm, good idea thanks Vicki
V, won't that just make the cat think the kitten is food, and thus cause more problems when the cat starts eating the kitten? :-)
Kilroy was here!
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