Monday, August 07, 2006

The Museums

Well day two. Dad and I went up to Victorville and visited the Route 66 museum there. Not a bad little place since we didn’t know a whole lot about Route 66. There also a museum in Texas in McLean Texas. Have to go there some time. Not a whole lot to report really. Saw items really associated with early time driving. Signs, maps, etc. Took some pictures outside the museum of Dad and I. Drove down Route 66 in Victorville for about a mile then headed back south towards home.

On the way home we decided to go to the Palm Springs WWII air museum. This was pretty cool. A lot better than I thought it was going to be. They had three hangers full of planes all but two that still actually flew. Some of the more notables were the B-17 G Flying Fortress, P47 D Thunderbolt, F6F Hellcat, MKXIV Spitfire, and P51 D Mustang as well as others. Out in front of the museum they had several fighter jets all Navy except for the F16 Falcon, but that was painted Navy colors and used as an aggressor at Top Gun. Inside they even had maps of the major battles of the Pacific and in Europe during WWII. Overall it was pretty cool. I also have to go back and get the playing cards they had. They had one set the showed the silhouettes of all of the planes in WWII as well as a set of cards that had the silhouettes of the war ships during the time period of WWI and WWII. Pretty cool huh! After that we came home and BBQ on my gas grill. OH YA. Chicken baby.

I had to put this picture in just to tease Armand. Although they do give props to the Falcon. And it has always been one of my favorate fighter jets.

I wanted to put this bad boy in here. It is the F6 Hell cat. It had the best kill ratio during WWII, 19-1 by the end of the war. and had the most total kills by the end of the war. 5,562 (or something like that.) Crazy numbers. It was the fighter to fly.


Blogger Scott said...

look my first pictures in a blog.

11:05 PM  
Blogger Jelaine said...

Good job, Scott! :) I hope we can get together while I'm down there. the 11th through the 16th.

5:37 AM  
Blogger H Noble said...

Great Post Scott! Thanks.

5:42 AM  
Blogger TreyJ said...

Great post! You're making up for going AWOL.

Do you have a pic of the F-16 in question?

6:23 AM  
Blogger ArmandII said...

Yeah, I would like to see a picture of it too. But all that sounds really cool. As far as Route 66 goes, the only thing I know is most of the major towns it runs through since I know the jazz song about it. :-)

Kilroy was here!

9:18 AM  
Blogger "E" said...

Hey Dude, any 37 Sightings?


6:46 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

nope, not yet

8:30 PM  
Blogger H Noble said...

If you guys are wanting to learn more about Route 66, you should see "Cars"- very funny movie. :)

Very interesting Scott. Glad you're back.

1:18 PM  

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