Monday, March 19, 2007

Drunk Names

put your name down here but you have to do it with yourELBOWS and you CAN'T ERASE!
p.s. copy and paste with everyone elses too!repost as Drunk names!
This is fun!

NICK- niiiiiiiiiiick
LINDSEY-----lin dcsdxdfe
ANA - aqnm aqw
STACEY - srgftacxwety....yeah that did not work out to well.
Ashley M.--qawshlery
Ashley G.--ashglkey
Robyn--erd45p[ vujkm , m,
Meredith---,,mlereddikgtnhbg----it's in there somewhere :)
Toby-tgolb yh -not too bad
Scott- sz xdc0potgty6g5- I seem to have big elbows