Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Where's my Blog

So I cant fid my blog? WHen I log on to look at it it's not there. Does anybody else see it. I'm writing this blog in hopes that maybe it will come back. I guess we'll see.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Anbody who knows me knows I love hockey. In 2004-2005 I had season tickets to the Texas Tornado Junior Hockey Team in Frisco. That was an awesome year. The Tornado when third national title in 4 years and their first back to back national titles. So of course I get tickets for the next season again. Little did I know at the time that I would be moving to California and wouldn't get to go to only a hand full of games. I just went home for vaction and got to go to two games. Both games were awesome. First game we just dominated the other team winning 6-2 with the final goal being a shorthanded, empty net, from the defense zone on a face off. Think about it a minute. The next game was a little closer ending in a 3-3 tie at the end of regulation. Now on to overtime. Like pro hockey Junior has the 4 on 4 five minute sudden death overtime and if it gets past that a shoot out. Well the Tornado are a good team as you can imagine sitting first in there division and second in the league. So their chances are pretty good to come out on top. There I am sitting on the home side by the goal at the glass. The tornado are in the offensive zone moving the puck and push back to the point on the left side and a slap shot and SCORE!!!! Tornado win in overtime.

Needless to say Scott goes home a happy camper and his hockey team remains 3 points ahead of their division rival Texarkana. As you might have guessed this is one of the biggest things I miss not being in Texas. You would think that a town that had the Great One win a Stanley Cup in it would do more to promote the game of hockey, but oh well. I will just have to wait till I get back to Texas to go watch my favorite sport in person on a regular basis.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Guild Wars Down!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!!?!!??!??!?

So I'm in Texas on vaction and I get back from grocery shopping for Mom. I try to get on Guild Wars to play and it doesn't come work? Ok, I figure there is something wrong with it will get fixed and be up later. After all it tells me there is soething wrong and to try again in a few mintues.

I call E to see what he is doing it's 3pm and he should be up by now. E's not up soI try back a 4:30pm and he is finally up. We hang out, go to Mi Hacenda Mexican restraunt (something they dont have in Cali, good Tex-Mex), then go see Brad's (my brother) new house and visit our friend Chris.

By this time it's 9pm and Guild Wars is still not up? What's up? Chris, E and I can't play our favorite game. I mean how are we supposed to interact with each other if we can't get on Team Speak and play games together. It must be a sign of the end of the world!

So I would like to take this time to tell everybody how much I love you all and I don't know what I would have done with out ya'll in my life. See you when and where I see you.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

LIfe in Cali

Well Life in Cali where do I start. Let’s start with the bad and end on a good note.

Traffic? Bad! If you don’t like the traffic in Dallas you will die in the traffic in California. The only times it seems there is not traffic is between 9pm-5am.

Unions? I don’t know your feelings on unions but Grocery unions have made shopping for essentials items not very convenient. Maybe I'm just spoiled, but I loved going to one place to get all the things I needed. But since their are only a view Super Wal-Mart’s and no Super Targets I have to go to both Grocery stores and Retail stores to get everything I need. I don’t know about you but my time is worth more than that time it takes to go to both stores. Not to mention the cost of gas. This brings me to my next topic.

Gas$$$$$!!!!!. The cost here is on average about $0.30 more than in Texas. Not to mention you have to drive farther or more to get to were your going. Who thought I would be saying that coming from Texas, drive farther? Texas may be spread out, but at least when we set up and area or city we make things convenient. Who cares if there are two of the same stores 5 minutes apart. At least you don’t have to drive every where to get what you want.

Good?? Well I'm sure there is some good I just haven't found much of it yet. With as busy as I am with work, not to mention it takes an hour to get their because of traffic, and the long hours Laura works, we haven't seen a whole lot of good.

Bowling League!!! Some good. Laura and I have been in the league since we got to Cali. It's been fun. My average is still only a 115 with a 94 handicap, but I have my own ball and shoes and my high game is 151. So I am improving!

Well I’ll wrap up here and save some thoughts going threw my head for my next couple of topics. Later.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


So how did I do?
This is kind of cool.
What shall we do?
How about you?

ok, ok, I'm done rhyming.


First Post?

Hello All,

I am atttempting to setup my blog. Justin and Holly you're not alone in dealing with this type of thing. We will see how long it takes me to get this down. ;-)
