New Years Eve Problems for Scott
Kilroy the one thing you didn't figure in to your plan is my job. I work for a retail company. The biggest time of year is the holiday season of Thanksgiving through the end January. And during this time Target has ths nice little term called "Black out dates." This term tells you when you can and can not take time off. And guess what times are blacked out during the holiday season. You guessed it, I believe it is two weeks before Thanksgiving through the end of January that are "blackout". So great idea and don't let me stop everybody from getting together in Omaha, but I wont be able to make it. Even if I could get away for a quick weekend trip it is highly frowned apon not to work New Years eve on my line of work. You know the crazies all come about then. Now I'm not saying no, but the likely hood of me making it is very slim. But stranger things have happened. And since not everybody will see this here (in Kilroys comments section) I will post it on my blog to see what comments come out of it.